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Available online at https://www.docsj.com/doc/0514952057.html,

Association genetics in crop improvement

J Antoni Rafalski

Increased availability of high throughput genotyping

technology together with advances in DNA sequencing and in

the development of statistical methodology appropriate for

genome-wide association scan mapping in presence of

considerable population structure contributed to the increased

interest association mapping in plants.While most published

studies in crop species are candidate gene-based,genome-

wide studies are on the increase.New types of populations

providing for increased resolution and power of detection of

modest-size effects and for the analysis of epistatic

interactions have been developed.Classical biparental

mapping remains the method of choice for mapping the effects

of alleles rare in germplasm collections,such as some disease

resistance genes or alleles introgressed from exotic



DuPont Agricultural Biotechnology Group and Pioneer Hi-Bred


Corresponding author:Rafalski,J Antoni


Current Opinion in Plant Biology2010,13:174–180

This review comes from a themed issue on

Genome studies and molecular genetics–Plant biotechnology

Edited by Rajeev K.Varshney and Douglas R.Cook

Available online19th January2010

1369-5266/$–see front matter

#2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.



Rapid progress in the development of genomic tools,

including genome sequencing[1]and high-density

single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP)genotyping

[2,3]enabled development of new powerful approaches

to the mapping of complex traits and to the subsequent

identi?cation of causal genes.While these methods

have been?rst applied in human genetics[4],their

applications in crop genetics and crop improvement

are becoming popular.In plants,the ability to create

germplasm collections and large experimental popu-

lations consisting of homozygous individuals at will is

a signi?cant practical advantage.Here I am going to

focus on genetic association mapping,especially whole

genome scan methodology,and highlight both the

bene?ts of this method as well as signi?cant challenges

encountered during several years of practicing this

approach.Other more detailed reviews are available

[5–7,8 ,9,10].

Overview of association mapping


Association mapping,also called linkage disequilibrium

(LD)mapping,refers to the analysis of statistical associ-

ations between genotypes,usually individual SNPs or

SNP haplotypes,determined in a collection of individ-

uals,and the traits(phenotypes)of the same individuals

(Figure1).As this de?nition implies,association mapping

is closely related to well established genetic methods,

such as quantitative trait loci(QTL)mapping[11].Until

recently genetic mapping was usually done in purpose-

created populations,such as a progeny of parents chosen

on the basis of the difference between them for the

trait(s)of interest,or in de?ned pedigrees(families).

By contrast,genetic association mapping involves using

a collection of individuals,such as those derived from wild

populations,germplasm collections or subsets of breeding

germplasm.Consequently,at each locus,several alleles

may be simultaneously evaluated for association in a

diverse population,while only two alleles segregate in

any biparental population.

Two association mapping methodologies are in use:Can-

didate gene association and Whole Genome Scan,also

called Genome-Wide Association Study.In the candidate

gene approach,one tests the hypothesis‘is there a cor-

relation between DNA polymorphisms in gene A and the

trait of interest’.For example,one can ask if in a diverse

maize germplasm collection there is a correlation be-

tween DNA sequence alleles of phytoene synthase(or

any other gene involved in carotenoid biosynthesis)and

carotenoid content of seeds[12,13,14 ].This approach

assumes good understanding of the biochemistry and

genetics of the trait,and many genes may escape atten-

tion.Therefore,in absence of detailed knowledge of the

biochemical pathway of interest,including regulatory

genes,whole genome scan,described below,is a better


Genome scan involves testing for association most of the

segments of the genome,by genotyping densely distrib-

uted genetic marker loci covering all chromosomes

(Figure1).The hypothesis under consideration is simple:

‘one(or more)of the genetic loci being considered is

either causal for the trait or in linkage disequilibrium with

the causal locus’.Candidate gene association,which

assumes some understanding of the genetics of the trait,

could be considered a subset of a more general genome

scan approach.

Design of genome scan experiments

Choice of populations for association mapping and of the appropriate marker density are crucial decisions.One of the sources of false positives in association mapping is population structure,which is a division of the population into distinct subgroups related by kinship (Figure 2).Complex population structure could be expected in crop species that were subject to a severe domestication bot-tleneck followed by breeders’selection.Pronounced differences in the germplasm used in different regions of the world and maturity-related clines of allele frequen-cies for many genes may also be expected.Examples include the division of maize germplasm into heterotic groups [15]and a severe post-domestication bottleneck associated with popularization of soybean in North Amer-ica [16].

Different methods and software tools have been devel-oped to correct the results for population structure [17,18 ,19,20 ,21],usually by dividing the germplasm collections into subgroups or adjusting the probability of the null hypothesis (p value),but these methods are not perfect and in certain cases may result in the increase of false negatives,therefore the populations should be best chosen so that the genetic distances between mem-bers are not clustered,thus minimizing structure.Popu-lation structure may be evaluated by using a modest number of genetic markers (50–100),and the outcome of this analysis could be helpful in avoiding type I errors [17].

Size of the experimental population is an important https://www.docsj.com/doc/0514952057.html,rger germplasm collections obviously

provide more power,and in practice at least 100–500individuals are needed.The interaction between number of individuals,distribution of allele frequencies,and precision of phenotyping is complex [22,23],therefore more work on rigorous power analysis is needed before better guidance could be provided.

Association genetics in crop improvement Rafalski 175



Principle of association analysis.(a )A collection of genetically diverse individuals is genotyped at densely spaced loci distributed throughout the genome;(b )the genotypes are divided into groups sharing SNP haplotypes (shown)or individual SNPs,at each locus in turn;(c )the distributions of phenotypic values for each of the haplotypes (or alleles)are compared and probability of null hypothesis (the distributions are equivalent)is evaluated statistically.



Confounding of association mapping by populations structure.The dendrogram represents population structure in a subset of maize

breeding lines.If a certain trait,such as disease resistance (red dots),is common in subgroup A but rare in subgroup B,any markers with

significantly uneven allele distribution between the two subgroups will be positive in an association test,irrespective of their genomic locations.

Before choosing the appropriate number of genetic mar-kers(usually SNPs)for genome scan,it is necessary to have some understanding of the linkage disequilibrium in the population selected for the study.Linkage disequili-brium,de?ned as association between genetic loci,in general decreases with distance between marker loci, more slowly in inbreds(soybean),faster in outbred species(maize),although breeding practices have a large impact[24,25].LD is however very non-uniform across the genome,with both general trends(more LD in centromeric regions)and pronounced local?uctuations [26].If the genome could be divided into distinct linkage blocks[27],with recombination hotspots between them, it would be appropriate to choose at least a few diagnostic markers per haplotype block,in order to be able to distinguish at least the most common haplotypes[28].

A fully rational choice of marker density can only be made after at least a subset of the germplasm collection has been already genotyped with very high marker density (>106SNPs in humans).At present this is not practical in most crop species,and a more pragmatic although inexact approach may be taken.For example,if the LD decreases to approximately r2=0.5in,on average,2cM,in a 1000cM genome one would have about1000/2=500 blocks of linkage,requiring perhaps2500SNP markers

or preferably much more,to distinguish common haplo-types and account for large variation in rate of LD decay.

In maize elite breeding germplasm,we have been suc-cessful in genome scan mapping with10000single copy loci,each represented by haplotypes consisting of several SNPs,de?ning2–10haplotypes per locus[29 ].

The dif?culties with population structure and LD have been recently addressed by mouse genetics community by developing specialized populations from multiple inter-crosses between a modest number of very diverse parental individuals.This approach reduced LD(increasing genetic resolution)and avoided population structure.A similar approach has been developed in maize and Arabidopsis [30 ].In maize,Ed Buckler’s group at Cornell created nested association mapping(NAM)populations,consisting of5000recombinant inbred lines(RILs)from25families, with200RILs per family.The families were generated by crossing25diverse maize inbredlineswithB73asa common parent,essentially combining several high resolution bipar-entalpopulationintoa largeexperiment,affording veryhigh resolution and power to detect associations including epi-staticinteractions[22,31].Withveryhigh-densitygenotypic data available,mapping a new trait in these populations is immediately accessible by acquiring new phenotype measurements[32 ].A high-density haplotype map of the NAM parental lines has been published recently[33]. Genetic resolution

Genetic resolution of any mapping methodology ulti-mately depends on the amount of recombination available in the experimental population,as measured by the rate of decay of LD(Figure3).In collections of distantly related individuals many generations have passed and much recombination occurred since the last common ancestor, therefore resolution of association mapping will,in general, be considerably higher than in simple biparental popu-lations.However,in biparental populations additional rounds of intercrossing or use of very large progeny set increases resolution at the expense of additional time and labor[34].In maize,biparental populations of3000indi-viduals have in some cases resolved linkages down to single gene resolution[35].Similar results may be achievable by association mapping in a couple hundred of individuals, although wide variations in LD decay across the genome make any generalizations very dif?cult.The tradeoff is that populations affording high resolution require correspond-ingly higher marker density to assure high genome cover-age.In the next few years it will be feasible to interrogate plant genomes at every gene,at>106SNP loci,as it is now possible in humans[36].In the near future,genotyping of germplasm collections by genome sequencing will be practically possible,as it is already happening in Arabi-dopsis(https://www.docsj.com/doc/0514952057.html,/AtG1001/)[37]. Phenotyping challenge

The power of association mapping is strongly dependent upon the quality of phenotypic data.The design of?eld experiments is beyond the scope of this review,however, it is important to stress that in most cases it is necessary to use well-controlled environmental conditions,including, when possible,use of growth chambers,especially for the collection of samples for metabolomic or biochemical

176Genome studies and molecular genetics–Plant biotechnology



Example of linkage disequilibrium decline around locus MZA4812

(arrow)on chromosome6(23.8cM)in maize non-stiff stalk breeding

germplasm.Each point of the graph represents the value of LD measure

r2between MZA4812and another locus,plotted at that locus’

appropriate position on chromosome6(Y axis,cM).The LD initially

declines rapidly,but r2values around0.5are found within5cM of


phenotypes.Relevance of such phenotypes for ?eld per-formance will have to be separately established.High throughput methods to precision phenotyping,frequently referred to as phenomics [38]are developing rapidly and automated facilities for high precision phenotyping are being established [39].

Interpreting and using genetic association data

Association analysis could be applied to individual mar-kers,usually SNPs,or haplotypes composed of several linked SNP markers.In the presence of LD,haplotype association is likely to be more powerful [40],but argu-ments have been made that ancestral causal polymorph-isms could be better detected by individual SNP analysis.Methods to identify the best haplotype-based approach have been developed (e.g.,Ref.[41]).Both approaches may be tried,although this will increase the number of tests signi?cantly,relative to haplotype only approach.If the complete haplotype block of the population under investigation was known,markers could be targeted to each of the blocks [42],but such resolution is not cur-rently available in crop species.

Genome scan analysis consists comparing the distribution of phenotypes among the individuals carrying a particular SNP or haplotype and those lacking it.The probability of

the differences between these two distributions arising at random (p value)may be obtained from linear regression,ANOVA or one of several non-parametric statistical methods.The results are reported as a graph of prob-abilities of association (p values)on Y axis as a function marker genetic map position represented on X axis (Figure 1in Ref.[29 ]).The p value has to be corrected for multiple tests.For a more detailed discussion of statistical methodologies the reader should turn to more specialized reviews [43,44].Software tools,including TASSEL,popular among plant geneticists,have been developed to facilitate association mapping [45 ].The discussion of the statistical methodologies most appro-priate for structured plant populations continues [19,20 ].The outcome of this analysis is a list of putative associations at a chosen corrected p value cutoff.These hypotheses should be independently validated.

Epistatic interactions

Epistasis,de?ned by the effect of the allelic state at one locus on the phenotypic expression of an allele at another locus,could in principle be detected by association map-ping.In practice,the power to detect epistasis in mod-erate-size populations is low for two locus systems,and extremely low for higher order interactions (three or more loci).In association populations allele frequencies at the

Association genetics in crop improvement Rafalski 177



Frequencies of the eight most common haplotypes,averaged across 1000genetic loci in a collection of maize breeding lines.Error bars indicate ?one standard deviation.Association mapping is appropriate for the simultaneous evaluation of the effects of three or four alleles in a population.Rare alleles should be evaluated in biparental populations.

loci of interest rarely approach the1:1ratios reducing power to detect epistasis relative to biparental popu-lations.

Validation and applications

Validation of the hypotheses generated by association mapping constitutes an integral part of the experiment. In one approach,near isogenic lines(NILs)differing in the alleles at the candidate locus are constructed by repeated backcrossing into a reference genetic back-ground.Resulting NILs are then phenotyped side by side,and the amount of phenotypic variation ascribed to the presence of introgressed segment is estimated.Bipar-ental populations segregating for the relevant alleles at the associated locus may also be used[29 ]. Alternatively,the association experiment could be expanded by inclusion of additional individuals,in the expectation that the strength of the association should improve,if the association hypothesis is correct. Association mapping is usually performed with the objec-tive of applying the results for genotype-based selection of superior individuals in plant breeding,or as a step toward positional cloning.

In marker assisted recurrent selection,breeders identify desirable alleles at one or more loci,basing on the out-come of a mapping experiment,and then use closely linked genetic markers for selecting individuals in breed-ing populations[46–48].This approach results in?xing the desirable allele(s)in the population(s)of interest. An alternative approach,genome selection aims at increasing the frequency of desirable alleles across the whole genome.To this end,selection indices are con-structed for all available genetic markers across the gen-ome,proportional to the strength of association for the trait(s)of interest[49,50].Additional biasing factors could be introduced to favor certain trait loci and alleles on the basis of their desirability or commercial value. Limitations

The detection power of association mapping greatly depends not only on the magnitude of the effect that can be ascribed to a locus,relative to other loci present in the population,but also on the allele frequency distri-bution(Figure4).Rare alleles cannot be detected with good con?dence,unless their effect is very large.There-fore,segregating biparental populations are more appro-priate for the mapping of alleles rare in the germplasm pool of interest.


Much of the association mapping in crop plants is just emerging from the research phase and is beginning to be applied,especially in commercial breeding setting.A few selected representative examples are listed in Table1. Conclusions

Genetic association mapping enriches the repertoire of tools available for the dissection of trait architecture in crop plants and model species.As high-density genotyp-ing becomes increasingly accessible this approach will gain power to identify with high resolution genetic loci and in some cases causal polymorphism affecting agro-nomic and end-use traits in crop plants,as long as relevant alleles are present at high frequency.Mapping in de?ned biparental populations will remain the method of choice for rare alleles,especially those with moderate effects, and for the study of epistatic interactions.Independent validation of the associations found by either approach and evaluation of their effects in different genetic back-grounds remains an essential,even though sometimes neglected,aspect of a genetic experiment.Precision phenotyping remains a major challenge for mapping many agronomically important traits such as nitrogen use ef?-ciency of drought tolerance.In the future,associations

178Genome studies and molecular genetics–Plant biotechnology


Examples of association mapping studies in plants

Species Topic Reference Arabidopsis Association of variation in bif2with multiple traits[51] Barley Flowering time association mapping[52] Maize Candidate gene mapping in structured populations[53] Maize Analysis of population structure[54,55] Maize Candidate association mapping of starch-related traits[56] Maize Maize population suitable for association mapping[57] Maize Candidate gene association mapping of anthocyanin biosynthesis[58] Maize Whole genome scan of oleic acid content[29 ] Maize Carotenoid content candidate gene association mapping[14 ]

n/a Mixed-model analysis of associations in presence of population structure[18 ]

n/a Software for associations analysis—TASSEL[45 ] Pearl millet Flowering time association analysis[59 ] Teosinte Association mapping of multiple traits[60]

between epigenetic pro?les and phenotypes will be sub-jected to analysis.


I appreciate frequent stimulating discussions that I had with Scott Tingey, Stan Luck and members of my research group.

References and recommended reading

Papers of particular interest,published within the annual period of review,have been highlighted as:

of special interest

of outstanding interest

1.Ansorge WJ:Next-generation DNA sequencing techniques.Nat


2.Ragoussis J:Genotyping technologies for genetic research.

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3.Appleby N,Edwards D,Batley J:New technologies for ultra-

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4.Stein CM,Elston RC:Finding genes underlying human disease.

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5.Yu J,Buckler ES:Genetic association mapping and genome

organization of maize.Curr Opin Biotechnol2006,17:155-160.

6.Mackay I,Powell W:Methods for linkage disequilibrium

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7.Sorkheh K,Malysheva-Otto LV,Wirthensohn MG,Tarkesh-

Esfahani S,Mart?′nez-Go′mez P:Linkage disequilibrium,genetic association mapping and gene localization in crop plants.

Genet Mol Biol2008,31:805-814.

8. Zhu C,Gore M,buckler ES,Yu J:Status and prospects of association mapping in plants.Plant Genome[A Supplement to Crop Science]2008,1:5-20.

A good detailed review of association mapping in plants.

9.Rafalski A,Ananiev E:Genetic diversity,linkage disequilibrium

and association mapping.In Handbook of Maize:Genetics and Genomics.Edited by Bennetzen JL,Hake S.Springer;2009:


10.Myles S,Peiffer J,Brown PJ,Ersoz ES,Zhang Z,Costich DE,

Buckler ES:Association mapping:critical considerations shift from genotyping to experimental design.Plant Cell2009,


11.Paterson AH(Ed):Molecular Dissection of Complex Traits.Boca

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12.Palaisa KA,Morgante M,Williams M,Rafalski A:Contrasting

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13.Pozniak CJ,Knox RE,Clarke FR,Clarke JM:Identi?cation of QTL

and association of a phytoene synthase gene with endosperm colour in durum wheat.Theor Appl Genet2007,114:525-537.

14. Harjes CE,Rocheford TR,Bai L,Brutnell TP,Kandianis CB, Sowinski SG,Stapleton AE,Vallabhaneni R,Williams M,Wurtzel ET et al.:Natural genetic variation in lycopene epsilon cyclase tapped for maize bioforti?cation.Science2008,319:330-333.

Association mapping used to identify superior alleles of a carotenoid biosynthetic gene limiting expression of provitamin A in maize.

15.Reif JC,Hamrit S,Heckenberger M,Schipprack W,Maurer HP,

Bohn M,Melchinger AE:Trends in genetic diversity among

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during the past50years.Theor Appl Genet2005,111:838-845.

16.Hyten DL,Song Q,Zhu Y,Choi IY,Nelson RL,Costa JM,

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Yu J,Pressoir G,Briggs WH,Vroh BI,Yamasaki M,Doebley JF, McMullen MD,Gaut BS,Nielsen DM,Holland JB et al.:A uni?ed mixed-model method for association mapping that

accounts for multiple levels of relatedness.Nat Genet2006,


A novel and widely discussed approach to association mapping in presence of population structure,implemented in TASSEL(Ref.[40]).

19.Stich B,Melchinger AE,Piepho HP,Heckenberger M,Maurer HP,

Reif JC:A new test for family-based association mapping with inbred lines from plant breeding programs.Theor Appl Genet 2006,113:1121-1130.


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Melchinger AE:Comparison of mixed-model approaches for

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21.Zhu C,Yu J:Nonmetric multidimensional scaling corrects for

population structure in association mapping with different

sample types.Genetics2009,182:875-888.

22.Yu J,Holland JB,McMullen MD,Buckler ES:Genetic design and

statistical power of nested association mapping in maize.


23.Purcell S,Cherny SS,Sham PC:Genetic Power Calculator:

design of linkage and association genetic mapping studies of complex traits.Bioinformatics2003,19:149-150.

24.Flint-Garcia SA,Thornsberry JM,Buckler ESI:Structure of

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25.Gaut BS,Long AD:The lowdown on linkage disequilibrium.

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26.Rafalski A:Corn and humans:recombination and linkage

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27.Stumpf MP:Haplotype diversity and the block structure of

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28.Zhang K,Qin ZS,Liu JS,Chen T,Waterman MS,Sun F:Haplotype

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Belo′A,Zheng P,Luck S,Shen B,Meyer DJ,Li B,Tingey S,

Rafalski A:Whole genome scan detects an allelic variant of

fad2associated with increased oleic acid levels in maize.Mol Genet Genomics2007,279:1-10.

Genome scan association mapping using SNP haplotypes at10000loci, one of the?rst examples of high-density/high resolution genome scans in crop species.


Kover PX,Valdar W,Trakalo J,Scarcelli N,Ehrenreich IM,

Purugganan MD,Durrant C,Mott R:A multiparent advanced

generation inter-cross to?ne-map quantitative traits in

Arabidopsis thaliana.PLoS Genet2009,5:e1000551. Development of a high resolution mapping population in Arabidopsis, similar methodology is applicable to crop plant species.

31.McMullen MD,Kresovich S,Villeda HS,Bradbury P,Li H,Sun Q,

Flint-Garcia S,Thornsberry J,Acharya C,Bottoms C et al.:

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Buckler ES,Holland JB,Bradbury PJ,Acharya CB,Brown PJ,

Browne C,Ersoz E,Flint-Garcia S,Garcia A,Glaubitz JC et al.:The genetic architecture of maize?owering time.Science2009,


Use of maize NAM populations for the detailed genetic analysis of a very complex trait.

33.Gore MA,Chia J-M,Elshire RJ,Sun Q,Ersoz ES,Hurwitz BL,

Peiffer JA,McMullen MD,Grills GS,Ross-Ibarra J et al.:A

?rst-generation haplotype map of maize.Science2009,


Association genetics in crop improvement Rafalski179

34.Lee M,Sharopova N,Beavis WD,Grant D,Katt M,Blair D,

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35.Wang H,Nussbaum-Wagler T,Li B,Zhao Q,Vigouroux Y,Faller M,

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36.Gunderson KL:Whole-genome genotyping on bead arrays.

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37.Varshney RK,Nayak SN,May GD,Jackson SA:Next-generation

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39.Finkel E:With‘phenomics’plant scientists hope to shift

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40.Garner C,Slatkin M:On selecting markers for association

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41.Zabeau M,Stanssens P,Gansemans Y:Genetic diagnosis using

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42.Ding K,Kullo IJ:Methods for the selection of tagging SNPs:a

comparison of tagging ef?ciency and performance.Eur J Hum Genet2007,15:228-236.

43.Balding DJ:A tutorial on statistical methods for population

association studies.Nat Rev Genet2006,7:781-791.

44.Belo′A,Luck SD:Association mapping for the exploration of

genetic diversity and identi?cation of useful loci for plant

breeding.In The Handbook of Plant Mutation Screening–Mining of Natural and Induced Alleles,vol.3.Edited by Meksem K,Kahl G.

Wiley-VCH;2010:in press.

45. Bradbury PJ,Zhang Z,Kroon DE,Casstevens TM,Ramdoss Y, Buckler ES:TASSEL:software for association mapping of complex traits in diverse samples.Bioinformatics2007,


Freely available software that allows analysis of linkage disequilibrium

and association mapping in structure populations,available from http://

https://www.docsj.com/doc/0514952057.html,/bioinformatics.TASSEL stands for Trait Analysis by Association,Evolution and Linkage.This application evaluates linkage

disequilibrium,nucleotide diversity,and trait associations.It works well with many different types of diversity data and connects to the Panzea and Gramene data repositories.It also has good graphics for LD and the ability to deal with indels for diversity analyses.

46.Varshney RK,Hoisington DA,Nayak SN,Graner A:Molecular

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48.Ribaut JM:Marker assisted recurrent selection.Curr Opin Plant


49.Goddard ME,Hayes BJ:Genomic selection.J Anim Breed Genet


50.Meuwissen T:Genomic selection:marker assisted selection on

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51.Pressoir G,Brown PJ,Zhu W,Upadyayula N,Rocheford T,

Buckler ES,Kresovich S:Natural variation in maize architecture is mediated by allelic differences at the PINOID co-ortholog

barren in?orescence2.Plant J2009,58:618-628.

52.Stracke S,Haseneyer G,Veyrieras JB,Geiger HH,Sauer S,

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53.Thornsberry JM,Goodman MM,Doebley J,Kresovich S,

Nielsen D,Buckler ESt:Dwarf8polymorphisms associate with variation in?owering time.Nat Genet2001,28:286-289.

54.Pritchard JK:Denconstructing maize population structure.Nat


55.Pritchard JK:Deconstructing maize population structure.Nat


56.Wilson LM,Whitt SR,Iba′n?ez AM,Rocheford TR,Goodman MM,

Buckler ESt:Dissection of maize kernel composition and

starch production by candidate gene association.Plant Cell


57.Flint-Garcia SA,Thuillet A-C,Yu JM,Pressoir G,Romero SM,

Mitchell SE,Doebley J,Kresovich S,Goodman MM,Buckler ES: Maize association population:a high resolution platform for

QTL dissection.Plant J2005,44:1054-1064.

58.Szalma SJ,Buckler ESt,Snook ME,McMullen MD:Association

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acid accumulation in maize silks.Theor Appl Genet2005,



Sa?¨dou A-A,Mariac C,Luong V,Pham J-L,Bezanc?on G,

Vigouroux Y:Association studies identify natural variation at

PHYC linked to?owering time and morphological variation in pearl millet.Genetics2009,182:899-910.

A recent example of successful candidate gene-based association map-ping.

60.Weber AL,Briggs WH,Rucker J,Baltazar BM,de Jesu′s Sa′nchez-

Gonzalez J,Feng P,Buckler ES,Doebley J:The genetic

architecture of complex traits in teosinte(Zea mays ssp.

parviglumis):new evidence from association mapping.


180Genome studies and molecular genetics–Plant biotechnology


北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院植物学考博参考书-真题-分数线 一、北京林业大学考博资讯 生物科学与技术学院以培养生物科学领域高新技术人才和基础研究人才为主要目标,肩负着教育部设立的“国家理科基础科学研究和教学人才培养基地”的建设和人才培养任务,设有生物科学(理科基地班)、生物技术、食品科学与工程3个本科专业。学院学科门类齐全,拥有3个国家级重点学科,1个国家工程实验室,2个部级重点实验室,1个北京高等学校实验教学示范中心。建有生物学博士后流动站,拥有植物学、生物化学与分子生物学、林木遗传育种、野生动植物保护与利用、微生物学科的博士和硕士学位授予权以及细胞生物学、农产品加工与贮藏工程学科的硕士学位授予权。学院师资力量雄厚,承担着总理基金研究项目、国家重大基础研究“973”、高新技术“863”、国外农业先进科学技术引进“948”、国际科技合作、国家科技攻关和国家自然科学基金重点与基础项目数十项,获得国家科技进步及省部级科技进步奖20多项,在教学及科研方面取得了丰硕的成果。 本院共招收博士生33人,其中植物学招收8人,微生物学招收1人,细胞生物学招收4人,生物化学与分子生物学招收4人,森林生物资源利用招收5人,林木遗传育种招收11人,各位考生需要在考前联系导师,以确定是否能够报考。 植物学下设五个方向,第一个方向是植物生长发育与系统进化,导师是郑彩霞;第二个方向是植物抗逆生理及分子机制,导师是陈少良、夏新莉、尹伟伦;第三个方向是光合作用与植物光生物学,导师是高洪波、郑彩霞;第四个方向是药用植物及其次生代谢,导师是刘玉军;第五个方向是植物防御反应与信号转导,导师是沈应柏。大家需要提前联系导师以确定是否能够报考。 考试科目有三门,满分三百分,每门课100分,第一门是英语,第二门是植物学,第三门是植物生理学。 注意事项: 1、复试成绩=外语口语及听力×10%+专业外语×20%+综合素质×70%;入学总成绩=初试总成绩×(75-50)%+复试成绩×(25-50)%。 2、原则上按考生报考导师录取,同时兼顾考生入学总成绩排名;导师在达到录取基本分数线的考生中有录取决定权。每名导师招生总数原则上不能超过3人(含直博、自主选拔生、少数民族骨干计划生),外聘导师及首次招生导师原则上不能超过1人。 3、达到录取分数线但是没有导师接受者不予录取,所以说提前联系一下导师是非常重要的,育明考博可以协助大家联系到一位称心满意地导师。 二、北京林业大学考博英语内容、题型


English Test Paper for Doctoral Candidates (A) 2011.01.09 Part I Listening Comprehension (15%) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear several short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center (on Answer Sheet I). 1. A. She is in Vietnam. B. She is in Thailand. C. She is right here. D. She is in Tokyo. 2. A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. On foot. D. By train. 3. A. He stays late for the lesson. B. He is studying. C. He has little rest. D. He is resting. 4. A. She gave a lecture to the psychology class. B. She advised the woman to see a psychologist. C. She persuaded the woman not to take the course. D. She convinced the woman to apply to graduate school. 5. A. She read it selectively. B. She went over it chapter by chapter. C. She read it slowly. D. She finished it at a stretch. Section B Directions:In this section, you will hear several short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center (on Answer Sheet I). Passage One 6. A. How to choose the qualified goods. B. The consumer's rights. C. The importance of the quality. D. How to demand the replacement.


北京工业大学考博英语必备翻译知识点汇总2015年考博还有一段时间,同学们都在紧张的备考,育明考博为苦背单 词的同学整理了以下句子,希望有助于同学们备考需要各大院校历年考博英 语真题及其解析请加扣扣七七二六七八五三七或二八九零零六四三五一,也 可以拨打全国免费咨询电话四零零六六八六九七八享受考博辅导体验。 1.The crying boy tries to fry the dry crystal。 哭喊的男孩试图用油炸干晶体。 2.In the chimney the donkey and monkey found the key to the money monitor。 猴和驴在烟囱里找到了货币监视器的钥匙。 3.At the edge of the wedged hedge,I acknowledged the knowledgeable man。 在楔形篱笆的边缘上,我向那位博识的人致谢。 4.The shark's remark on the marble mark in the market is remarkable。 骗子关于市场上大理石标记的评论值得关注。 5.In the sparking park,the darling dark dog barked at the embarked larks。 在闪着火花的公园里,可爱的深色狗对着装载于船云雀吠叫。 6.The drifter swiftly shifted the gift to the left of the lift。 那个漂泊者敏捷地将礼物换到电梯的左边。 7.The rival's arrival gives him a forgivable chance。 对手的到来给他一个可原谅的机会。 8.From the fact,the shivering driver derives that the diver may


北京林业大学考博英语阅读理解真题解析与指导Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(10points) In his autobiography,Darwin himself speaks of his intellectual powers with extraordinary modesty.He points out that he always experienced much difficulty in expressing himself clearly and concisely,but(46)he believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence,and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations.He disclaimed the possession of any great quickness of apprehension or wit,such as distinguished Huxley.(47)He asserted,also,that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited,for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics. (PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ:772678537) His memory,too,he described as extensive,but hazy.So poor in one sense was it that he never could remember for more than a few days a single date or a line of poetry.(48)On the other hand,he did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics that, while he was a good observer,he had no power of reasoning.This,he thought,could not be true,because the"Origin of Species"is one long argument from the beginning to the end,and has convinced many able men.No one,he submits,could have written it without possessing


【人大经院考博】2019年中国人民大学经济学院世界经济学考博真题、考试时间、院校选择、参考书推荐,了解一下! 关于中国人民大学经济学院世界经济考博最新信息,了解一下!前言:国内考博院校选择浅析关于经济金融类专业博士,北京地区好学校很多,而且由于考博可以报考多所院校,所以很多考生不知道如何选择。从考试形式来看,主要是分申请考核制和考试制。当然大家在选择的时候也要重点关注考试时间问题,有一些院校的考试时间会有冲突,在此给大家梳理北京地区经济金融类考博院校,主要有:一档:北京大学、清华大学、中国人民大学二档:中央财经大学、对外经济贸易大学、中国社会科学院、中国财政科学研究院、北京师范大学三档:中共中央党校、北京交通大学、北京工业大学、中国矿业大学(金融工程与风险管理)、首都经济贸易大学【这只是个人的一个划分,个人之见,并非权威,大家仅供参考】关于京外学校的简析1、上海财经大学。几乎全是高微和高宏和高级计量经济学,四个计算题2、复旦、上交,计量和数理化程度比上财还要难3、厦门大学,同上,计量难度很大。4、南开大学,报考考生质量较高,另外也偏数理经济学。5、武汉大学,有用英文出计量的习惯!6、暨南大学,地方院校,没有关系还是谨慎点好!7、兰州大学,地方院校,没有关系还是谨慎点好!关于:最前言消息【官网发布】2018年,除经国家下达和学校设立的个别专项计划外,各专业原则上不再招收以不脱产方式攻读博士学位人员,即要求学生在基本学习年限内全日制在校学习。关于:考试最重要的几个时间(每年不完全一样)网上报名时间:xx年12月1日10:00-12月30日17:00、xx年1月9日10:00-2月19日17:00。初试日期:xx年3月24-25日(地点:中国人民大学)复试日期:xx年4月中旬(地点:中国人民大学)关于:学费、年限我校所有类别博士生的学费标准均为:10000元/人·学年。我校博士生的基本学习年限为4年。关于:考博招生目录020105-世界经济初试考试科目:①经济理论②世界经济与国际贸易③外


北林考博辅导班:2019北京林业大学木材科学与技术考博难度解析 及经验分享 根据教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心最新公布的第四轮学科评估结果可知,在 2018-2019年木材科学与技术专业学校排名中,排名第一的是中南林业科技大学,排名第二的是北京林业大学,排名第三的是东北林业大学。 作为北京林业大学实施国家“211工程”和“985工程”的重点学科,材料科学与技术学院的木材科学与技术一级学科在历次全国学科评估中均名列第二。 下面是启道考博辅导班整理的关于北京林业大学木材科学与技术考博相关内容。 一、专业介绍 木材科学与技术专业为多学科交叉、融合、外延,在生物木材学研究、木质环境学研究、新型木材阻燃剂开发、非甲醛系环保型木工胶粘剂开发、非木材复合材料、新型人造板和智能化木材加工设备研制等方面。 北京林业大学材料科学与技术学院的木材科学与技术专业在博士招生方面,划分为6 个研究方向 082902木材科学与技术 研究方向:01 木材构造与物性02 木材热加工03 木材保护与改性04 木质复合材料与胶粘剂05 木工机械与加工自动化06 家具设计与工程 考试科目:①1001英语、1002日语选一②2022木材科学与技术专业综合测试一③3022木材科学与技术专业综合测试二 二、考核内容 1、由学科考核小组组织实施,考核前应及时通知招生工作监督小组全程监督考核过程。学科考核小组组长原则上由学科负责人担任,成员不少于5人,且至少3人为博士生导师。 2、只有通过前期材料审核及公示合格的申请人才有资格参加学科面试考核。 3、主要对申请人的外语水平、专业基础知识、专业知识、综合素质和科研创新能力进行全面考核。考核形式及内容由学科根据本学科特点确定。学科需要制定详细的学科考核办法及流程,提前报学院审查备案。 4、学科考核小组负责汇总本学科考核成绩,结合当年导师招生名额,确定拟录取名单,并将拟录取名单、考核成绩、考核记录、考核试卷等上报学院研究生管理办公室。

2015中南大学考博英语经典阅读:An educationin finance

2015中南大学考博英语经典阅读:An educationin finance 国庆长假,育明考博考博小编为同学们收集整理了经典阅读资料并附有例句解析,希望育明考博考博伴随同学们共度国庆,复习的更加顺利!联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八 An educationin finance Less well known is the increasing willingness of colleges to borrowin the markets,too.On May15th,for example,Cornell University sold$250m-worth of bonds.In recent weeks both Harvard and the University of Texashave also raised hundreds of millions of dollars in this way. Such debt-raising is becoming more common.There are abundantreasons to believe that the market will grow much bigger yet. Largely this is because colleges are only belatedly becoming awareof how useful the financial markets can be.No doubt some of their hesitationhas been cultural:academics may have been reluctant to look at theiruniversities as businesses;or they may have misunderstood what was needed tohelp those businesses grow. If they did look at their institutions in economic terms,people ineducation tended not to think that universities lacked capital.Rather,theythought that they had a structural inability to use capital and labour moreefficiently.Unlike the car industry,many schools felt that they mustmaintain,or even increase,the ratio of employees(teachers)to customers(students).Small class sizes are taken as a signal of high quality,soinvesting money to save on teachers’salaries is not anattractive strategy. Schools had other reservations as well.Poor schools were worriedabout being unable to service debt.Rich schools with huge endowments may haveseen no need. So much for an academic perspective.A growing number of investorssaw


中国海洋大学博士研究生入学考试试题 科目代码:科目名称: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一、简答题(每题12分) 1.长为L 的均匀弦,两端固定,弦中张力为T0,在x=h点,以横向力F0拉弦,达到稳定后,放手任其自由振动,写出定解条件。该题是否需要衔接条件? 2.行波法解题的要领是什么?它适合于求解哪一类定解问题?能否用行波法求解如下定解问题: U tt - a2U xx=0 (0 ? x<∞,t>0 ) U(0,t)=0; U(x, 0)=φ(x); U t(x, 0)=Ψ(x) 3.何为积分变换?它的解题步骤是怎样的? 4.用分离变量法求解定解问题时,应如何选择坐标系?能否在直角坐标系中求解如下定解问题: U xx + U yy=0 = f (φ) U∣ ρ=a 5.在球坐标系中,在轴对称的情况下,写出拉普拉斯方程(△U=0)在球内的解的表达式。 二、计算题(共2题,每题20分) 1.半径为ρ 高为H的圆柱体。上底和侧面保持零度,下底温度分布为f(ρ) =ρ2,写出定解问题,并给出柱体内各点的稳恒温度分布的通解的表达式。2.求解下列定解问题: U tt - a2U xx=0 (0 < x < L ,t >0 ) U(0,t)= 0; U(L,t)=0; U(x, 0)=3sin(2πx/L); U t(x, 0)=0; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------特别提醒:答案必须写在答题纸上,若写在试卷或草稿纸上无效。


北京林业大学林学院考博参考书-分数线-报录比 一、北京林业大学考博资讯 北京林业大学林学院是北林具有鲜明特色、科研教学型的学院,也是北林历史最悠久的学院。学院拥有一支结构合理的师资队伍,学科方向明确,研究成果丰硕。 林学院共有7个专业招收博士生57人,其中生态学招收11人,林业装备与信息化招收6人,土壤学招收4人,森林培育招收12人,森林保护学招收13人,森林经理学招收7人,草学招收4人。其中每个专业下设不同的方向,需要大家提前联系导师。 考博科目是三门,共计300分,每门课100分,其中第一门是英语,第二三门不同专业不一样。 注意事项: 1、复试成绩=外语口语及听力×10%+专业外语×20%+综合素质×70%;入学总成绩=初试总成绩×(75-50)%+复试成绩×(25-50)%。 2、原则上按考生报考导师录取,同时兼顾考生入学总成绩排名;导师在达到录取基本分数线的考生中有录取决定权。每名导师招生总数原则上不能超过3人(含直博、自主选拔生、少数民族骨干计划生),外聘导师及首次招生导师原则上不能超过1人。 3、达到录取分数线但是没有导师接受者不予录取,所以说提前联系一下导师是非常重要的,育明考博可以协助大家联系到一位称心满意地导师。 二、北京林业大学考博英语内容、题型 北京林业大学博士生英语入学考试时间为180分钟,试题总分为100分。设有词汇、阅读、完型填空、翻译、写作五种题型,不分时间段。考题以一般社交用语、人文知识、科普常识为语言素材、以一般社会生活、学校教育和科研活动为话题,重在考查考生用英语进行社交、工作和科研的能力。 北京林业大学博士生英语入学考试分为五部分。 1.词汇:10分 共20题,每题0.5分。分为两个部分: 1)选择填空:第1-10题每句有一个词语为空白,考生从试卷上给出的A,B,C,D四个答案中选择一个正确答案。 2)替换词语:第11-20题每句一个词语有下划线,考生从试卷上给出的A,B,C,D四个答案中选择一个意思最相近的词语。 2.阅读:39分 共24题。分为两个部分:


北京林业大学博士生入学考试英语考试大纲 2006年10月 一、总述 北京林业大学博士生英语入学考试,由教育部批准并授权组织。凡具备教育部规定的申请博士学位的人员均可报名参加。考生报考的专业不同,但均参加统一的博士生英语入学考试。 北京林业大学博士生英语入学考试时间为180分钟,试题总分为100分。设有听力、词汇、阅读、完型填空、翻译、写作六种题型。听力考试磁带播放完毕,继续进行笔试部分,不分时间段。考题以一般社交用语、人文知识、科普常识为语言素材、以一般社会生活、学校教育和科研活动为话题,重在考查考生用英语进行社交、工作和科研的能力。 为帮助考生复习,我校新编《北京林业大学博士生英语入学考试模拟试题集》及配套磁带,原模拟题集废止。现模拟题集共有样题十套,为原生题(选真实语料自行编写),帮助考生熟悉考试形式、体会考试难度、了解考题的语言素材,并在复习的过程中进一步学习英语。二、题型与分值分布 北京林业大学博士生英语入学考试分为六部分。 1.听力:20分 共20题,每题1分。分为3个部分。时间长度为30分钟左右。 第一部分9分。播放一遍。为9段简短社交或日常学习、生活对话,每段对话之后,以播音形式提出一个问题。考生从试卷上给出的A,B,C,D 四个答案中选择一个正确答案。 第二部分6分。播放一遍。为两段200-300词的讲话或长对话,人文类和科普类各一段。每段内容之后用播音形式提出三个问题。考生从试卷上给出的A,B,C,D 四个答案中选择一个正确答案。 第三部分5分。播放两遍。为一段200-300词的讲话或长对话,内容为一般社会知识。以播音形式提出5个问题(随播放内容分别播两遍),考生在答卷上做1-5个词的简要回答。 2.词汇:10分 共20题,每题0.5分。分为两个部分:前十句中每句有一个词语为空白,考生从试卷上给出的A,B,C,D 四个答案中选择一个正确答案。后十句中每句一个词语有下划线,考生从试卷上给出的A,B,C,D 四


英语考试大纲 英语考试包括阅读理解、英译汉、汉译英、写作四部分。阅读理解为客观试题,其它为主观试题。全部试题满分为100分,60分为及格。 考试要求 一、考试时间为180分钟。 二、考试项目的形式及分数: 三、参考书目: 《考博英语阅读理解、翻译与写作高分突破》博士研究生入学英语考试命题研究组编著中国人民大学出版社2011年8月第3版 (注:外语听、说能力测试在复试中进行,不指定参考书)

北京工业大学 2012年招收攻读博士学位研究生简章 北京工业大学创建于1960年,是一所以工科为主,理、工、经、管、文、法、艺术相结合的多科性研究教学型大学,是国家“211工程”建设的重点大学。1985年成为博士学位授予单位,2011年建成研究生院。 学校设18个一级学科博士点,31个一级学科硕士点,15个博士后流动站。拥有1个一级国家重点学科、2个二级国家重点学科、34个北京市重点学科。学校有博士导师247人,硕士导师876人,其中院士13人、“长江学者”特聘教授4人、“国家杰出青年基金”获得者6人,“国家级教学名师奖”获得者3人。现有国家级教学团队6个、教育部“长江学者和创新团队发展计划”创新团队1个、北京市学术创新团队44个。 2011年我校有3篇博士学位论文评为全国优秀博士学位论文,1篇博士学位论文评为全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖。截至目前共获得5篇全国优秀博士学位论文和11篇全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖。 一、招生规模 2012年我校拟定招收博士研究生约260名。 二、培养目标 培养德、智、体全面发展,在本门学科上掌握坚实宽广的基础理论和系统深入的专门知识,具独立从事科学研究工作的能力,在科学或专门技术上做出创造性成果的高素质、高层次学术型人才。 三、学习年限 学制为4年,学习年限3-5年。 四、报考条件 2012年参加公开招考的考生应具备的条件为: 1.中华人民共和国公民。 2.拥护中国共产党的领导,愿为社会主义现代化建设服务,品德良好,遵纪 守法。 3.考生的学历必须符合下列条件之一:


北京林业大学考博英语模拟测试 1.This factory is planning to build a new_______line this year. A.resemble B.assembly C.productive D.assess 2.Meat_______much more easily than vegetables. A.loses B.numerous C.weaves D.decays 3.Dr.Smith is_______in his research and does not know anything about politics. A.shut B.typed C.defeated D.absorbed Xu yao quan guo ge da yuan xiao kao bo ying yu zhen ti shi juan qing jia qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi,huo er ba jiu ling ling liu si san wu yi.ye ke yi bo da quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba xiang shou kao bo fu dao ti yan. 4.He said he would_______me to Mr.Li but he didn’t. https://www.docsj.com/doc/0514952057.html,ment B.suggest https://www.docsj.com/doc/0514952057.html,mand D.recommend 5.A magnificent monument has been_______in Tian An Men Square in honor of the people’s heroes. A.envied B.erected C.created D.curved 6.In this kind of hotel,there are no_______rooms. A.luxury B.marvelous C.occasional D.sulphur 7.Nothing can_______me to leave my own country. A.verse B.hay C.tempt D.attempt 8.Nobody in the class can_______him of his mistake. A.believe B.admit C.thirst D.convince 9.This tree is_______for its beautiful flowers.


中国海洋大学考博英语模拟真题及其解析Unions are organizations of workers that bargain with employers for economic and job benefits.They exist to create1and economic power against private management and the2to achieve their goals. These goals are primarily higher3,better working conditions,and job security.4organized to achieve these goals are usually complex in their social and psychological detail。 Union movements occurred in the5half of the1700s in the U.S. Carpenters,printers,and shoemakers formed organizations as early as1791in Philadelphia,Boston and New York.These6in most cases over social and economic7between workers and employers when rapid 8in a young development country began to break down the familiar modes of9and the close ties between workers and employers。 A long,hard drive for legalization of union10Unions fought with companies and11courts for legitimacy and status.Unions were12as a threat to free enterprise and private property,and13to political and economic stability.They were also considered radical,and Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi companies resisted them14.Violent conducts were frequent on both sides.The government at times moved in state police to suppress the more15conflicts.Union workers themselves often punished other workers who did not back their policies。


北京林业大学林学院森林保护学考博参考书-导师-资料-黑幕 一、北京林业大学考博资讯 北京林业大学林学院是北林具有鲜明特色、科研教学型的学院,也是北林历史最悠久的学院。学院拥有一支结构合理的师资队伍,学科方向明确,研究成果丰硕。 林学院共有7个专业招收博士生57人,其中生态学招收11人,林业装备与信息化招收6人,土壤学招收4人,森林培育招收12人,森林保护学招收13人,森林经理学招收7人,草学招收4人。 森林保护学下设四个方向:其中第一个方向是森林昆虫学,导师是骆有庆、温俊宝、宗世祥;第二个方向是林木病理学,导师是戴玉成、田呈明、张星耀;第三个方向是昆虫及菌物系统学,导师是戴玉成、田呈明、武三安、崔宝凯;第四个方向是植物检疫,导师是温俊宝。大家需要注意的是考前一定要联系导师。 考试科目整个专业是统一的,一共300分,分为三个科目,第一门是英语,第二门专业课是普通昆虫学,第三门是森林生态学。 注意事项: 1、复试成绩=外语口语及听力×10%+专业外语×20%+综合素质×70%;入学总成绩=初试总成绩×(75-50)%+复试成绩×(25-50)%。 2、原则上按考生报考导师录取,同时兼顾考生入学总成绩排名;导师在达到录取基本分数线的考生中有录取决定权。每名导师招生总数原则上不能超过3人(含直博、自主选拔生、少数民族骨干计划生),外聘导师及首次招生导师原则上不能超过1人。 3、达到录取分数线但是没有导师接受者不予录取,所以说提前联系一下导师是非常重要的,育明考博可以协助大家联系到一位称心满意地导师。 二、北京林业大学考博英语内容、题型 北京林业大学博士生英语入学考试时间为180分钟,试题总分为100分。设有词汇、阅读、完型填空、翻译、写作五种题型,不分时间段。考题以一般社交用语、人文知识、科普常识为语言素材、以一般社会生活、学校教育和科研活动为话题,重在考查考生用英语进行社交、工作和科研的能力。 北京林业大学博士生英语入学考试分为五部分。 1.词汇:10分 共20题,每题0.5分。分为两个部分: 1)选择填空:第1-10题每句有一个词语为空白,考生从试卷上给出的A,B,C,D四个答案中选择一个正确答案。


北京工业大学博士生创新奖学金实施办法(试行) 为鼓励创新、提高博士生培养质量、支持我校博士生取得高水平创新性成果,根据《关于实施北京工业大学研究生教育创新工程的意见》(工大发[2010]3号),学校特设立“北京工业大学博士生创新奖学金”(以下简称“博士生创新奖学金”)。该奖学金每年申报一次,按照“鼓励创新,优中选优,宁缺毋滥”的原则遴选。具体实施办法如下: 一、申请者条件 1. 我校在读二年级以上(含)博士生,热爱祖国,学风端正,无违纪和欠学费记录。 2. 学位论文研究工作已取得突破性进展,已在本学科权威学术刊物发表论文或申请发明专利,在学期间有望取得重要创新性成果。 二、申请与审核 1. 博士生本人提出申请,并填写《北京工业大学博士生创新奖学金申请表》。 2. 各单位初选推荐,每个一级学科每年推荐不超过2名。曾被评为全国优秀博士学位论文的一级学科在获奖后三年内每年可推荐3名。 3. 研究生院组织专家评审会,申报人现场答辩,最终择优确定博士生创新奖学金获奖名单和奖励额度。 三、奖励标准 1. 在学制年限内,博士生创新奖学金的奖励标准为每人每月2000元,从批准后下一年的1月起,一年按12个月发放,发放时间最长18个月。 2. 被批准延期毕业的博士生创新奖学金获得者,延期期间的博士生创新奖学金标准为每人每月4000元,按月发放,至毕业止。 四、管理 1. 自获批奖学金之日至隔一年3月,博士生创新奖学金获得者不得申请博士学位论文答辩。 2. 资助期满后,若博士生创新奖学金获得者提出继续资助申请,研究生院组织专家考核,考核合格者可继续获得资助。 3. 博士生创新奖学金获得者每年须在校内或校外公开作一次学术报告。 4. 博士生创新奖学金获得者在申请答辩前应先完成《北京工业大学博士生创新奖学金总结报告》,报研究生院备案。 5. 对违反国家法律法规或校纪校规者,经校学生工作指导委员会批准后停发博士生创新奖学金。 6. 本办法自2016年1月起施行,由研究生院负责解释。


海大考博辅导班:2019海大经济学院考博难度解析及经验分享 中国海洋大学是一所以海洋和水产学科为特色,包括理学、工学、农学、医(药)学、经济学、管理学、文学、法学、教育学、历史学、艺术学等学科门类较为齐全的教育部直属重点综合性大学,是国家“985工程”和“211工程”重点建设高校之一,2017年9月入选国家“世界一流大学建设高校”(A类),是国务院学位委员会首批批准的具有博士、硕士、学士学位授予权的单位。 下面是启道考博辅导班整理的关于中国海洋大学经济学院考博相关内容。 一、院系简介 中国海洋大学是教育部直属“211工程”、“985工程”重点建设高校之一,1984年成为国家首批博士学位授权单位,2010年获得应用经济学一级学科博士学位授权,2014年获得批准设立应用经济学博士后流动站。中国海洋大学应用经济学一级学科博士授权点依托经济学院(拥有区域经济学和金融学两个省级重点学科),基于已有学科特点和研究优势,满足国家与沿海地区对应用经济学高级人才的战略需求,在应用经济学一级学科下整合二级学科,设立具有专业交叉与融合特色的三个招生及培养方向,包括:资源开发与国民经济可持续发展、区域创新与国际经济合作、货币金融体系与风险管理。本学科点坚持以应用经济学基础研究为支撑,以海洋经济应用研究为特色,以国民经济学、区域经济学、金融学(含保险学)、产业经济学、国际贸易学、数量经济学等二级学科为重点,围绕应用经济学一级学科下三个研究方向形成了优势突出、结构合理的师资队伍。经济学院现有专任教师59人,其中13位博士生指导教师,90%导师具有博士学位。教育部人文社科重点研究基地海洋发展研究院下属的海洋经济研究所以我院为主体建设。学校图书馆颇具规模并被教育部认定为全国15个查新中心,统计资料齐全,有中英文数据库46种。学院拥有应用经济学模拟实验室和文献资料室。学院每年为国家培养出大批的包括研究生、本科生和各种非学历教育生的优秀人才,为我国经济建设和社会发展做出了卓越贡献。 二、招生信息


北京林业大学2011考博英语真题 Section II Reading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET.(40 points) Text1 What would you do with590m?This is now a question for Gloria Mackenzie,an84-year-old widow who recently emerged from her small, tin-roofed house in Florida to collect the biggest undivided lottery jackpot in history.If she hopes her new-found for tune will yield lasting feelings of fulfillment,she could do worse than read Happy Money by Elizabeth Dumn and Michael Norton. These two academics use an array of behavioral research to show that the most rewarding ways to spend money can be counterintuitive. Fantasies of great wealth often involve visions of fancy cars and extravagant homes.Yet satisfaction with these material purchases wears off fairly quickly what was once exciting and new becomes old-hat;regret creeps in.It is far better to spend money on (PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ:772678537) experiences,say Ms Dumn and Mr Norton,like interesting trips,unique meals or even going to the cinema.These purchases often become more valuable with time-as stories or memories-particularly if they involve feeling more connected to others.

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